Almost 39 weeks and Im finally getting to the point where Im ok with what is about to happen to my body. Im ok that i will be very uncomfortable and in pain for many hours and quite possibly a days and even weeks. Im ok that I will no longer be in charge of my body, in fact it will still be more my baby's body than my own. Im ok that i will be running on low from lack of sleep for the rest of my life. And lastly, for now since Im sure i will realize a lot more after I've had her that i will have to be ok with, Im ok with the fact that i could never have my pre-pregnancy body back. With all that Im ok with only because its going to happen so Im accepting it, I am really excited to finally meet a product of taylor and i. It will be amazing to see and hold her for the first time.
I just finished my last day at Urban Blues and it was a very fun and emotional day! I love my bosses. They have been nothing but great to me these past 4 years. I will miss seeing everyone on a regular basis, but Im sure i will still be in when Im sick of being kept in doors. Now that I have the next week or so left before baby question mark comes, I've decided to make sure everything is ready for the hospital for the baby and I. My bag is packed, but I have yet to get the baby's together. I need to organize our room to accommodate her. I need to declutterize the whole house which might take some time but that is what this week is for me...getting everything done and ready for when we bring the baby home.
Im so grateful to everyone who came to my showers! Taylor and I have been very blessed to get all that we need! At first I was worried she would have none of her necessities but I couldnt have been more wrong. Not only will she be the best dressed probably never having to wear an outfit more than once, but she will have all the other daily things she will need. I have posted a pic of her wardrobe under her changing table and of Taylors office that is now a baby storage room completely full. Also my adorable carseat that my mother gave me. I would have taken one of the stroller too, but it was lost in the pile of baby things in Taylors office.
Taylor and I, more me than Taylor, still have not officially decided on a name. We are just waiting to make that decision when we get to hold her and see what feels right! The anticipation of when Im actually going to go into labor is killing me. I guess we'll see tomorrow at my doctors appt if anything has progressed since last monday! Wish me luck! Not too much though because we really need to to stay comfy till the 1st at least for insurance purposes. Friday, April 2nd sounds great to me!!!!